How to uninstall the app

Uninstall via device settings:

  1. 1. Open Settings on your device.
  2. 2. Tap on Apps.
  3. 3. Locate the app you want to uninstall.
  4. 4. Tap on the app: This will open the app’s information page.
  5. 5. Tap Uninstall:. You’ll usually find this option near the bottom of the page.
  6. 6. Hit Ok: and confirm the deletion.


Uninstall via Play store:

  1. 1. Open the Play Store.
  2. 2. Tap your account profile image.
  3. 3. Tap on Manage apps & device
  4. 4. Navigate to the Manage tab
  5. 5. Find the app you want to remove and check the box next to it.
  6. 6. Hit the trash can icon.
  7. 7. Select Uninstall.